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19 March 2009, 12:08

Rail Sarbaev: current level of population social support will be preserved

“In 2009 we will be able to preserve the current level of population social support, providing separate categories of people with additional social preferences” – Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev stated at today’s expanded meeting of Government RB – “the budget parameters-2009, approved by State Council-Kurultay-RB, are formed taking full financial provision of our social obligations irrespective of external factors and present tendencies in development of economics into account. We have neither reasons nor grounds for revision of our budget’s social items”.
Rail Sarbaev reminded that in 2008 the total expenses of the Republican consolidated budget for social sphere have made up 72,1 billion rubles. This is 67,1% of all expenses.
“It is important that our citizens would have well-paid jobs, good housing, high-quality medical care and confidence in future”.
Prime-Minister of Government RB specially stressed that economics and production in Bashkortostan should be oriented to the main necessities of life.
Author:Elena Makushina
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