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16 March 2009, 00:00

Republic is preparing for celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory

“The number of veterans of the Great Patriotic War is gradually coming down, now there are about 13,5 thousand of them in Bashkortostan and we have to make everything possible that they would be able to live through the rest of their lives without any hardships” – chairman of the steering committee for preparation and celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev stated, opening the steering committee’s meeting to
As Minister of labor and population social protection RB Fidus Yamaltdinov reported, 4268 invalids of war, 9238 participants of war, 306 former minor prisoners of fascist concentration camps, 265 citizens, rewarded with the honorable sign “Citizen of blockaded Leningrad”, about 26 thousand members of families of deceased war invalids and participants of the Great Patriotic War live in Republic of Bashkortostan at present time.
All abovementioned categories of citizens enjoy the measures of social support in accordance with the federal law “About veterans”. They receive monthly payments, the sizes of which depend upon the veteran’s category and make up from 820 to 2732 rubles. Besides, they have certain measures of social support, including preferences on housing-communal services payments etc.
The Vice-Premier underscored in his report that the ideological constituent, the estimation of what happened in the country in war times, estimation of the lessons of the Great Patriotic War, the memory about those tragic years and about those victims and losses, suffered by Soviet people and other nations are to the same extent important for the veterans and one of the key tasks during jubilee celebration is the informational task, which should be solved on the basis of modern technologies, being oriented to different age groups, including youngsters.
Author:Alik Shakirov
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