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25 August 2015, 19:20

Bashkortostan court has blocked 21 websites with Nazi texts

UFA, 25 August 2015. /Bashinform News Agency, Arthur Basyrov/. In Bashkortostan, the court has blocked 21 websites with Nazi texts. They were identified by the public prosecutor's office of Ufa region in the course of monitoring.
The prosecutor's office representatives inform that this is the book by the Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler "The SS Man and the Question of Blood" that in 2010 the court found extremist and banned for distribution throughout the Russian Federation.
The prosecutor's office through the court ensured that the information about the web pages where forbidden texts were published to be included in the Unified Register of domain names of Roskomnadzor. Subsequently, access to them will be closed.
Author:Arthur Basyrov
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