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22 October 2013, 18:48

Meleuz inhabitant has died of wounds inflicted by a bear

31-year-old inhabitant of Meleuz has died in the city hospital of wounds which were inflicted him by a bear. The victim has met a beast while mushrooming in the forest. Having received an avulsive wound of his head, the man called an ambulance and managed to drive his car. A reanimobile which went towards the accident took the man to the hospital, but doctors could not rescue him — he lost too much blood.
“A single scenario of this event is that the mushroom picker has come across a she-bear with bear cubs, and even did not notice them,” the head of the state control department of wildlife protection directorate of the Ministry of Ecology RB Gleb Egorov commented on the accident. “Wild animals do not attack human beings without a reason. The she-bear could show aggression protecting her posterity.”
Author:Olga Murtazina
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