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23 September 2021, 12:35

Six youth laboratories will be created at Research and Educational center of Bashkiria

Radiy Khabirov said that the results of the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the creation of youth laboratories at the scientific and educational centers had become known. The Research and Educational Center (REC) will be allocated 15 million rubles from the federal budget to create each laboratory. The project was designed for three years. As a result, 270 million rubles are provided to develop science in Bashkortostan in this area alone.
"Our republic has become one of the best, and we will create six laboratories at our scientific and educational organizations of the Eurasian REC. A prerequisite for the competition is the participation of young graduate students and students in the project. By the way, the most senior head of the laboratory is only 38 years old," the Head of Bashkiria posted on social media.
Two laboratories will open at Bashkir State University and Ufa State Aviation University. "Laboratory of Population and Medical Genetics" - and "Laboratory for the Design of New Materials" at Bashkir State University.
"Sensor systems based on integrated photonics devices" and "Metals and alloys under extreme impacts" will appear at USATU.
The Institute for Problems of Superplasticity of Metals of the Russian Academy of Sciences is planning a laboratory for Physics and Mechanics of Carbon Nanomaterials.
A laboratory of new materials for electrochemical power engineering will be created at the UFIC RAS.
Scientists of Bashkortostan have made significant reserves for the future. A world-class REC (127 million rubles) and an engineering center of biotechnology (300 million rubles) are being developed. A mega-grant in the field of genetics (90 million rubles) and a grant for the development of programs in the field of "Artificial Intelligence" (46 million rubles) are being implemented. Oil and gas fields are being diagnosed together with an industrial partner (160 million rubles). The instrumental base of the leading scientific organizations is being renewed (185 million rubles). A breeding and genetic center for fodder crops is being created (300 million rubles). A world-class scientific center in the rational development of liquid hydrocarbons is developing with Skoltech (806 million rubles).
"Over the year, through joint efforts, we have attracted 2 billion rubles of federal funds. There have never been such investments in science in our republic. Congratulations to all of us! We are making progress," the Head of the Republic summed up.
Author:IMPORT Сервисный
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