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13 August 2021, 10:54

New projects in republican agriculture were approved at "Investment Hour" session

In the House of the Republic, the Head of Bashkortostan, Radiy Khabirov, held another thematic meeting in the "Investment Hour" format. It considered new initiatives in the agro-industrial complex of the region.
Artur Abdyushev, director of the Artagro trading house, presented a project to organize the production of agricultural equipment and machines for sorting and cleaning grain in Ufa.
Since 2017, the company has been supplying the farms of the republic with foreign equipment for harvesting.
In order to further reduce import supplies, the investor plans to master the production of a wide range of equipment - grain cleaning machines, pneumatic tables, and other units. This will also reduce the price for agricultural producers in Bashkortostan and neighboring regions.
The total amount of investments in the purchase and installation of machine tools, the supply of engineering networks, and the production adjustment is 150 million rubles. In addition, the project will create more than 60 new jobs. However, to locate the production, a new site of 2,000 sq. m is required.
The Head of Bashkortostan instructed the Development Corporation RB to submit proposals for a possible transfer of the enterprise. As a support measure, the project received priority status with the provision of tax preferences. Also, the investor will be able to take advantage of the program of preferential leasing of technological equipment.
Ildar Malikov, General Director of the Yanaulsky greenhouse complex, spoke about the plans for developing intensive technologies for vegetable growing.
The existing area of ​​the plant is 17 hectares, and about 1,000 tons of vegetables (cucumbers and tomatoes) are grown there per year. At the same time, the enterprise has reached the maximum yield for the traditional technology of greenhouse vegetable growing.
Having invested 653 million rubles, the investor intends to grow peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, and eggplants based on intensive photoculture technology. This will increase the production volume up to 3.4 thousand tons of vegetables per year and reduce imported products' share in the republican market.
The concept of the project was developed in 2018 and included in the list of priorities. Then, for a long time, the mechanisms of its financing were worked out.
The project provides for the construction of 3 hectares of new - fifth-generation greenhouses in the Yanaulsky region. At the same time, the investor will receive reimbursement of part of the costs of creating the engineering infrastructure. With the launch of the technological process, 30 new jobs will appear in agricultural production.
Author:IMPORT Сервисный
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