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9 June 2021, 21:17

Bashkiria authorities supported tourism projects for 194 million rubles

In February of this year, the region adopted the third anti-crisis package to improve the economy's stability, including 66 support measures for 9.7 billion rubles. The development of project initiatives in the field of tourism is estimated at 194 million rubles. Support will be provided to projects on developing geoparks, adjacent territories of ethnic settlements, ethnic villages, ethnic estates, guest houses decorated in the national style, campgrounds and new tourist routes.
In addition, entrepreneurs of Bashkiria actively participate in specialized grant competitions. In 2020, the Federal Tourism Agency, for the first time, provided grants for the development of tourism. As a result, 17 projects out of 474 that won the competition will be implemented in the republic - for a total investment of more than 86 million rubles, 43 million rubles - at the expense of a grant from Rostourism.
"The tourism development in Bashkiria is considered in the context of inter-sectoral dependence - it is a road network, transport services, roadside services, development of protected areas, hotel services and gastronomy, cultural events and museums, health resort organizations," the Chairperson of the State Committee for Tourism Elvira Tukanova commented on the issue. "We plan to promote a whole pool of directions. In terms of increasing the investment attractiveness of the region, this is, first of all, the creation of a "Ural" special economic zone, the development of an investment map for tourism projects with subsequent placement on the investment portal, an audit of land plots to locate glamping sites in the region - no less than a hundred."
Currently, the State Committee is developing a comprehensive Tourism Development Strategy until 2035, the key goal of which is to create conditions and mechanisms for tourism monetization growth in the region. At the end of 2020, Bashkiria took fifth place in the ASI's rating of investment attractiveness of regions.
Author:IMPORT Сервисный
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