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9 June 2021, 16:46

Backpacker tourists flow tripled in Bashkiria in 2020

According to the Bashkortostan Statistics Agency, the volume of paid services in tourism in Bashkiria amounted to 4.8 billion rubles at the end of 2020 - less than the level of 2019. However, the number of backpacker tourists has tripled, the State Committee for Tourism of Bashkiria reported this.
"According to the national tourist rating results, published by the magazine "Otdyh v Rossii", Bashkiria retained its ninth place, as in 2019, having proved its stability in the hospitality industry amid the global crisis. In addition, the republic took eighth place in 2020 in the Top 10 regions most attractive to tourists," Elmira Tukanova, Chairperson of the State Committee, noted.
Sectoral tourism ratings also show positive results. Thus, the "Bannoe" resort in the Abzelilovsky district took 9th place in the Top-10 winter resorts in Russia according to the tourist portal "TurStat" rating. The Top-100 Russian health resorts, published on the Rostourism website, include three Bashkir health resorts. Yangan-Tau took second place, Tanyp was 29th, Yumatovo - the 52nd place.
There are about 370 travel agencies and tour operators in Ufa. The State Committee marks the growth of travel agencies that work with domestic and inbound tourism, increasing the interest of entrepreneurs in the tourism industry.
"Recently, the Yandex company published a study describing the Russian city residents interested in starting a business. Ufa showed positive statistics - the three most popular queries included "travel agency", "cleaning company", "car wash". Thus, according to the research results, tourism has become a type of business in Ufa attractive to local entrepreneurs," Elmira Tukanova said.
Recall that at the end of 2020, Bashkiria, for the first time, hit the Top 5 regions with a favorable investment climate according to the ASI rating.
Author:IMPORT Сервисный
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