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7 July 2020, 10:26

Two new projects for exporters are developed in Bashkiria

In Bashkiria, two new projects are being developed for exporters, said Margarita Bolycheva, Chairman of the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations RB.
Due to the implementation of the "International Cooperation and Export" national project, several programs are actively being implemented in the republic aimed at developing export activities and supporting export-oriented enterprises.
In particular, Bashkiria provides exporters with three types of financial support from the republican budget. They include a subsidy for reimbursement of a part of logistics costs, a subsidy for reimbursement of a part of international certification, and a new form of support - "export cashback" (grant in the amount of 10% of the export contract).
According to the press service of the State Committee RB for Foreign Economic Relations, the presidium of the republican government has already approved the draft order "On approval of the plan for the project "Made in Bashkortostan"(2020-2021").
"Now we are preparing two new projects. The first relates to the promotion of Halal products in foreign markets. The second project - " Export Emergency Aid" - is being developed to assess the involvement of the region in the processes of international trade and the possibilities for developing regional export potential," Margarita Bolycheva explained.
Author:Galina Bakhshieva
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