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27 March 2020, 15:39

Bashkir turkey farm increases production in crisis

Today, the Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov, during the working trip to the Meleuzovsky district, visited the Bashkir poultry complex "Ural". Recall that in October 2017, the production activities of Mazhit Gafuri Bashkir poultry farm under the "Indyushkin" brand was suspended.
In October last year, the poultry complex started operating again.
The General Director of poultry farm Vadim Krasyuk told the Head of Bashkortostan that almost 700 thousand turkeys are here now. If at the beginning of the year the payroll number of employees was 165 people, then as of March 23, it was already 636.
"We have already produced the first 200 tons of turkey meat, which we sold in Bashkortostan, as well as in the regions of the Volga, Siberian, and Central Federal Districts," said Vadim Krasyuk.
The director of the enterprise noted that by May 2020, 12 sections of poultry rearing would be fully commissioned. In total this year, it is planned to lay about 3 million hatching eggs and produce 31 thousand tons of meat in live weight, 24 thousand tons in slaughter weight. The volume of deep processing will be 10%.
The products will be sold under the previous "Indyushkin" brand, but there will be no private outlets. Turkey meat will be sold in regional and federal retail chains, as well as in markets.
"As I said, I will announce measures to support our industry and entrepreneurship today at a special briefing and the funds that we have already planned to spend on it from the budget of the republic," said Radiy Khabirov.
Recall that on Friday, March 27, the Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov will hold an online briefing on supporting the economy in a crisis. The beginning is at 14.00.
Author:Azat Gizzatullin
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