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11 March 2020, 14:52

Products to rise in price after ruble depreciation are named

The depreciation of the ruble may lead, first of all, to a rise in the price of electronics, household appliances, medicines, children's goods, clothes, and shoes, Izvestia reported, citing experts.
So, goods imported into Russia can rise in price within 10-35%. At the same time, prices for domestically produced goods of international companies will grow by no more than 10%, they say.
According to the head of the investment department of BCS Broker, Narek Avakyan, electronics prices may rise to 20%. In the automotive industry - a maximum of 5% increase is expected, pharmaceuticals - 10-15%.
Meanwhile, as the head of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Viktor Dmitriev stated, imported drugs and medicines made from foreign substances may, on average, go up in price even more - up to 30% for some items.
According to Natalya Milchakova, deputy director of the Alpari information and analytical center, a price increase by one third is possible in the markets for children's goods, as well as shoes and clothes. These industries are dependent on shipments from China. According to her, prices for imported household appliances, electronics, and gadgets may increase by 20-35%.
Author:Galina Bakhshieva
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