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27 January 2020, 14:44

Quite good progress, but we will strive for best: Khabirov commented on Bashkiria's economic indicators

UFA, 27 January 2020. /Bashinform News Agency, Gulfiya Akulova/ translated by Tatiana Aksyutina/.
The Head of Bashkiria, Radiy Khabirov, at a briefing session in the republican government on January 27, spoke about some of the region's economic indicators in 2019.
"It was managed to maintain a stable positive trend in the industrial production index here," he said. "According to the results of 2019, the index amounted to 104.2%, which is higher by 0.8% compared to 2018. And, accordingly, it was 1.8 percentage points higher than the national average. The growth is quite good, but it is not enough. Therefore, we should figure out what to do. The second indicator is the agricultural production index. According to preliminary data, at the end of 2019, it amounted to 102%, outstripping by 2.6% the values ​​of 2018 (99.4%). In terms of animal husbandry, an increase of 0.3%, crop production - 4.2%. Good performance, but we will always strive for the best".
Author:Gulfiya Akulova
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