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30 November 2018, 20:39

Priority investment projects volume has reached half trillion rubles in Bashkiria

UFA, 30 November 2018. /Bashinform News Agency/ translated by Tatiana Aksyutina/. In Bashkiria, another five investment projects worth 3.5 billion rubles were included in the priority list, the Ministry of Economic Development RB informs. Total, they will create 354 jobs and will contribute to the development of the economy in the Trans-Urals, in the Northeast, western and eastern sub-regions of the republic.
“Strategy” LLC will invest 42.6 million rubles in the construction of two livestock farms and the reconstruction of existing barns in the Zilair district. 20 people will be employed there. After reaching the design capacity, the complex will annually produce more than 1 thousand tons of milk. The company-investor claims to receive subsidies for the purchase of equipment, metal structures for frame-tent hangars for agricultural purposes, livestock of Simmental cattle.
“Severnaya Niva Bashkiriya” LLC (part of the EkoNiva - APK Holding Holding, Management Company) creates 112 jobs, investing about 2.9 billion rubles in the construction of the livestock complex of the “Semeno-Makarovo” dairy in the Ermekeevo district. At the moment, construction of a dairy-commodity complex for 2800 heads has begun. The planning horizon is until 2020, the social effect is a creation of 112 new jobs. The investor claims for government support measures: income tax benefits and subsidies.
“Bruschatka +” LLC plans to build a workshop for the production of polished slabs and paving slabs from Mansurovsky granite in the territory of the Uchaly district. The amount of financing will be 307 million rubles, the project implementation period is 2018-2023, with 67 workplaces. The investor claims to receive tax preferences and a land plot for rent without bidding.
The fourth project is aimed at organizing a highly profitable production of high technological processing of softwood and other products in the territory of Burzyan district. The initiator is “Belpromresurs” LLC. The volume of investments is 130 million rubles, the planning horizon is up to 2022, the social effect involves 117 new jobs. The company plans to export products to China. The investor claims for tax preferences.
“UralStroyKeramika” LLC plans to reconstruct the brick plant in Maloustikinskoe village in Mechetlino district. The volume of capital investments will amount to 57 million rubles, the project implementation period is 2018-2020. It is planned to create 40 jobs. The requested measures of state support are preferences on income and property taxes, subsidies for purchased equipment.
As a result, today the Priority Investment Projects List of the Republic of Bashkortostan contains 127 projects with a total value of over 501.2 billion rubles. The number of new jobs is more than 10 thousand.
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