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7 April 2017, 17:24

Rustem Khamitov took part in Russian Innovative Regions Association meeting

UFA, 7 April 2017. /Bashinform News Agency/. In Moscow the Head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov took part in the meeting of the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia Sergei Kirienko with the leaders of 12 constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are members of the Innovative Regions Association of Russia.
The key topics of the meeting were improvement, assessment of effectiveness and results of public administration in Russia and abroad, as well as stimulating development of innovative and industrial clusters. By 2020, the clusters in the regions of the Innovative Regions Association should double export revenues and attract at least 300 billion rubles annually of private investments, as well as create no less than 300 new technology companies in export areas.
The heads of entities of the Russian Federation included in the Innovative Regions Association expressed their readiness to prepare information and share best practices in innovation, healthcare, industry and social welfare for formation and introduction of a unified system of assessing indicators.
The Head of Bashkortostan, Rustem Khamitov, in his conversation with journalists at the end of the meeting noted that the republic occupied a worthy place among the innovative regions of Russia.
Recall that by the end of 2016 Bashkortostan took the seventh place in the rating of innovative regions of Russia, having risen at once by eight positions in comparison with 2015 and entered the group of strong innovators (1-11 place).
In Bashkortostan there are seven technoparks, 10 industrial parks, an innovative business incubator, three technology transfer centres, a venture fund, 119 organizations carrying out innovative activities, a centre for scientific equipment collective use "Agidel", technological centres of small businesses. The total number of employees working at the objects of innovation infrastructure exceeds 1,7 thousand people. 29 innovative industrial designs were introduced in production. In 2016, 12 centres of youth innovative creativity were established.
A cluster of low-tonnage petrochemistry (62 participants), a petrochemical territorial cluster (176 participants), an electronic cluster (13 participants), an oil and gas engineering cluster (41 participants), a geophysical cluster “Quantum” (38 participants), a biotechnological cluster (22 participants ) operate in the republic.
There are more than 50 innovation structures in the universities of the republic, among the largest are the technoparks of Bashkir State University and Ufa State Aviation Technical University.
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