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24 March 2017, 16:01

It is announced how much Ufa people are willing to pay for night in hotel

UFA, 24 March 2017. /Bashinform News Agency, Galina Bakhshieva/. The most number of Ufa residents choose a hotel based on its price. However, this year many of them are ready to pay for comfortable living conditions more than in the past. This is confirmed by the study of international tourist meta-search momondo, conducted in 2017 among 24.7 thousand independent travelers from 23 countries.
If in 2016, 44 percent of Ufa residents preferred accommodations for 1551-3900 rubles per night, then this year there are only 29 percent of them. The number of tourists who want to live in hotels for less than 1550 rubles remained the same - 15 percent.
The number of those who are willing to pay overnight from 3901 to 5450 rubles increased from 19 to 21 percent. This year, more respondents from Ufa can pay 7801-11 700 rubles per night than in the past - 12 against 4 percent.
Seven percent of Ufa residents can afford to pay from 5451 to 7800 rubles per room. 1 percent of the respondents are ready to pay 11,701-15,600 rubles for a night in a hotel, two percent - 15,601-20,800 rubles. Last year, there were no tourists from Ufa ready for such expenses.
If last year 1 percent of respondents from Ufa could afford to spend the night in a hotel for more than 31,200 rubles, now this answer was not given by any traveler.
In general, one third of the respondents in the country settled on the sum of 1551-3900 rubles. A fee of less than 1550 rubles per night would be affordable for 12 percent of Russians, and 3901-5450 rubles – for 21 percent. 1 percent of Russian travelers are ready to pay from 20 901 to 31 200 and over 31 200 rubles.
Author:Galina Bakhshieva
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