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14 April 2015, 16:11

New type of information control on the Internet will be carried out in Bashkiria after adoption of by-laws

UFA, 14 April 2015. /Bashinform News Agency, Arthur Basyrov/. Control the spread of information on the Internet, according to the Resolution of Government of the Russian Federation dated April 8, will be carried out after the adoption of by-laws. This was informed by the Directorate of Roskomnadzor (Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications) in Bashkortostan.
Roscomnadzor RF can now during the inspection determine a fact of receipt, transfer, delivery and handling e-mails. In this case, the agency cannot independently initiate inspections; this requires a request from law enforcement agencies. In common cases, the organizer of the information dissemination shall be notified about inspection not later than 24 hours prior to it.
However, according to TASS referring to the press-secretary of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky, RF Government Resolution does not confer the authority the right to read the correspondence between Internet users.
He noted that the possibility of a "control" means the right to establish only the facts of transmission of information by users, but not the content itself.
“According to the law of bloggers law enforcement agencies have the right to request from the Internet resources so-called logs, that is, metadata about the facts of user actions, but not the content of personal correspondence,” the spokesman for Roskomnadzor underlined.
Author:Arthur Basyrov
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