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6 February 2014, 17:09

Bashkiria has attracted federal co-financing of 30 million rubles for information technologies development

Bashkortostan will receive federal grants to co-finance regional development projects in information technologies. Regions - grantees for 2014 were selected on a competitive basis - within the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011-2020)".
According to the press service of the Agency for Information Technology (AIT), Bashkortostan is one of 16 regions, which are by results of the competition will receive co-financing of their projects for the maximum amount of 30 million rubles.
The projects must be implemented before June 1, 2015.
74 proposals from the regions were submitted for competitive selection. 13 applications were rejected, 61 – approved, 16 applications will receive grants for the maximum sum of 30 million rubles, AIT RB specified.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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