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21 November 2013, 17:05

1,23 million rubles will be charged from Bashkiria management companies for violating housing laws

915 violations of housing legislation were identified for 15 days in November by the State Committee RB on Housing Supervision. 164 orders were issued to violators. 57 decisions on administrative penalties for 1.23 million rubles were made against management companies.
According to the State Committee RB on Housing Supervision, republican management companies violate, basically, the regulations on maintenance and repair of dwellings, do not comply with regulations on providing public utilities.
With respect to the eight management companies rulings are made for violating the legislation on disclosure of information. The most problematic was the housing authority of Kalininsky residential district – penalties for more than 335 thousand rubles are issued against this company.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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