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21 April 2013, 16:45

9 areas suffered from the drought in Bashkiria to receive 63,5 million rbl. on purchase of seeds

Nine areas of the Bashkiria which especially suffered from the drought in 2012, would receive 63,5 million rbl. from the republican budget on purchase of seeds of grain crops. Baimaksky, Haibullinsky, Abzelilovsky, Zilairsky, Askinsky, Karaidelsky and Ishimbajsky areas are among them.
According to the Minister of Agriculture Vladimir Neznanov, according to the signed agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture RB and administrations of regions, areas under crops in these territories will not decrease. Thus, in Trans-Urals it is allocated 300 thousand hectares for sowing in 2013.
It should be mentioned that from 95 million tons of grain which it is planned to harvest in Russia current year, the grain yield in Bashkiria is predicted at the level of 3,2-3,4 million tons.
“Our grain is highly valued in the world market. We will not forget also that cattle-breeding production increases in our republic, therefore grain is necessary to receive mixed fodder,” Vladimir Neznanov marked. “Therefore our task is to support local farmers.”
Author:Galina Bakhshieva
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