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9 October 2012, 15:47

In Bashkiria the amount of backdated salaries makes 36,9 million roubles

According to Bashkortostanstat (Bashkir Statistics Agency) 12 employers have backdated salaries to 2472 employees in the republic as of October 1.
In comparison with the last month three enterprises paid off debts in the sum of 2,9 million roubles. However the general size of debts increased for 14,2 million roubles because of backdated salaries to 812 workers in Ufa "Service" LLC for the sum of 16,4 million roubles.
As the State Labour Inspection in RB marks, in comparison with the beginning of 2012, the number of employers-debtors reduced in 2,3 times. The size of backdated salaries decreased in the republic three times and makes now 36,9 million roubles.
As a result of the spent checks state inspectors revealed debts in salaries, final settlement and other payments, including non-payment of highly paid night hours, overtime hours, working hours during the days off among 135 employers. In terms of percentage points it is 11 % from total checked up employers. One year ago this indicator was equal 15 %.
Besides backdated salaries state labour inspectors fixed also more than 1100 infringements of the rights of workers in the field of payment.
In pursuance of orders issued by state labour inspectors to repay backdated salaries, 5800 workers received 92,3 million roubles. In addition to it more than 900 penalties are imposed on employers for payment infringements according to administrative cases initiated by state labour inspectors and public prosecutors which total sum reaches 4,2 million roubles.
Author:Galina Bakhshieva
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