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24 October 2011, 15:47

New law about purchases of goods, works and services comes into force in Russia in January 2012

The federal law N223 “Purchases of goods, works and services by legal persons” comes into force beginning from January 1, 2012. According to the law all state, municipal and commercial organizations, which control packet of shares belongs to the state, as well as the natural monopolies are righteous to purchase goods, works and services at the expense of their own means only in the specially determined order.
The new law sets the basic principles and the main requirements, concerned with the purchases of goods, works and services by the abovementioned customers. All purchases have to be made on the base of the principles of informational openness, the absence of discrimination and unreasonable restrictions of competition with respect to the participants.
At that the new law doesn't demand obligatory auctions and enterprises may use any forms of purchases but open auctions are determined as the priority forms for public purchases. Besides, the requirement concerning the increase of the share of innovational products in purchases is set too.
The federal law N223 comes into force beginning from January 1, 2012, except some of its clauses. Thus, the regulations about public purchases and other necessary information should be located on the customer's site till July 1, 2012. After July 1, 2012, such information has to be located on the official site about public contracts
Author:Galina Bakshieva
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