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22 August 2011, 20:44

World-famed scientists will take part in the congress of nanotechnologies in Ufa

On the eve of the II Congress of nanotechnologies, which is to be held in Ufa on August 23-26, the press-conference, devoted to the forthcoming event, has taken place in the news agency “Bashinform”.
The Professor of the Southampton University, co-chairman of BNM-2011 Symposium Terence Langdon, the Professor of Karlsruhe Technological Institute, representative of the United Scientific-Research Laboratory of nanomaterials and Darmstadt Technical University Horst Han and the Professor, the director of the Institute of physics of perspective materials of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University, the head of the chair of nanotechnologies, the chairman of BNM-2011 Symposium, a member of the Congress steering committee Ruslan Valiev came to talk to journalists.
As the Professor Terence Langdon said, the fact that the Congress is held in Bashkortostan proves the presence of a serious scientific school in the Republic and certain successes in development of nanotechnologies.
“We got accustomed that Moscow and Saint-Petersburg were traditionally considered the leaders in this branch. The uniqueness of the forthcoming event is that it is held in Ufa” – M-r Terence Langdon said.
The II specialized high-tech exhibition and the III international symposium “Spacious nanostructural materials: from science to innovations BNM-2011” will be held within the frames of the Congress. Six “round tables” will cover all directions in commercialization of the project. Many world-famed scientists are going to take part in the action.
Terence Langdon said that the Institute of metals superplasticity problems under the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa) and the laboratory of perspective materials at UGATU received high recognition in the world.
The Professor Horst Han has expressed the opinion that scientists from Ufa make weighty contribution to development of nanotechnologies. According to him the transition from laboratory investigations to commercialization of the designs is considered rather complicated in the whole world but the whole mankind wins as a result, receiving, for instance, new materials for implantation, new kinds of energy etc. The start-up companies with solid financing are established in many countries and these “brain centers” are successfully busy with designing of innovations. For instance, the “incubators for cultivation of ideas” are established in Germany and, as a rule, these companies face no shortage in people, wishing to work there. Young scientists know that brilliant careers wait for them in sphere of science and technique.
Ruslan Valiev has made a stress on actuality of the use of spacious nanostructural materials. In his opinion all metals, used by the mankind now, will become nano-metals in the course of time, i.e. life time and reliability of these metals will be increased many times.
“We connect further development of science and technique exactly with nanotechnologies” – he underscored – “Their scope is so wide that we already start talking about nano-cosmetics, nano-stomatology etc”.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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