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17 August 2011, 19:25

The final variant of the budget RB-2012 to be introduced before September 20

Bashkir ministries and departments have one month ahead to polish the project of the budget-2012 and the forecast for social-economic development of the region in 2012-2014.
“The final variants of both documents have to be ready by September 20” – the Prime-Minister of the Government RB Azamat Ilimbetov stated – “Further the documents will be submitted for consideration by the President of Bashkortostan. After that they will be sent to the State Council-Kurultay-RB”.
The Minister of economic development RB Eugene Mavrin, the Minister of finances RB Ruzalia Khismatullina, the Minister of labor and population social protection RB Lenara Ivanova and the director of the territorial Obligatory Medical Insurance Fund Alexei Menshikov were taking the floor at the last meeting in the Government RB. Each of them was introducing the forecast for development of the region in the nearest future, provided with the latest corrections.
Author:Alfia Sharafutdinova
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