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27 January 2011, 10:16

The index of consumer prices in Bashkiria at the end of 2010 made up 109,6%

The index of consumer prices in Bashkiria at the end of 2010 made up 109,6%. This is higher than both in Russia and Volga federal district. Other words, the prices for the goods in the Republic have risen by 9,6% in 2010. This is the data of the Bashkir State Statistics Committee. The summary index of consume prices is formed from the rise of the cost of foods and nonfoods and from the rise of the cost of services.
It is no secret that Bashkiria provides itself with foods mainly thanks to local producers by 80-90%, so the rise of the stuff cost and the output of agricultural producers because of the drought and bad harvest adversely affected the rise of the food retail prices.
Thus, the summary index of agricultural prices made up 145,1% in 2010, including 169,2% in plant vegetation and 130% in cattle-breeding. The index of agrarian prices for potato made up 292,1%, cabbage – 444,12%, carrot-446,1%, milk – 153%, eggs – 134,1%. At that the index of retail prices for foods made up 114,5%. The cost of potato went up 2,2 times, vegetables- two times, milk and milk products – 24% and eggs – 16,6%.
At the same time it‘s worth mentioning that the cost of the minimal set of foods in Bashkiria grew up by 29,1% in 2010 and made up 2368,25 rubles in December. In spite of the high rates of growth Bashkiria was found on the 12th and 15th places among Russian regions and in Volga federal district correspondingly by the cost of the consumer basket in December 2010.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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