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18 January 2011, 19:56

Academician Viktor Ivanter: “Russia leaves the crisis behind”

The Russian-French seminar “Monetary-financial problems of Russian economics: the regional aspect” with participation of the leading scientists from Russia and France started working today in Ufa at the Bashkir State University.
The head of economics and finances department under the Government Machinery RB Zinnur Bakirov, the rector of he Bashkir State University, Professor Akhat Mustafin and the director of the Institute of social-economic investigations, Professor Damir Gainanov welcomed the guests and participants of the seminar.
Zinnur Bakirov stated on behalf of the Government RB that the Republic urgently needed innovational and breakthrough ideas. “I am sure the seminar will become the base for interesting proposals in sphere of economics” – he said.
The seminar was opened by the report of Academician Viktor Ivanter. His report was dedicated to the results of social-economic development of Russia in 2010 and to the forecasts in 2011.
He has reported the growth of Russian economics in 2010 was forecasted at the level of 3,2%. But in reality the growth was 3,8%. In particular he doesn’t grasp such argument that one has to defeat the corruption in order to let Russian economics freely developing seriously. “In order to defeat the corruption one has to stop bribing first” – the Academician said.
In his opinion bureaucratization is the main reason, hampering Russian economics. The second global problem is the power of local monopolies, which also don’t let the economics running at full speed.
“At the same time I don’t think everything looks so bad. The forecasts promised full crash of economics in Russia, mass unemployment and pauperization of its population. But nothing has happened. Now we experience through the post-crisis period in spite of the earlier catastrophic forecasts” – Ivanter said.
The Director of CEMIHESS Jack Sapir told in his report about the reform of the world currency-financial system, its problems and prospects on the eve of G20 gathering in Seoul.
Author:Svetlana Gafurova
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