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20 December 2010, 15:26

Rustem Khamitov: “In 2011 we need a breakthrough in sphere of business undertakings”

“In 2011 we need a breakthrough in sphere of business undertakings and the Ministry of economic development will be responsible for this breakthrough” – the President of Bashkiria Rustem Khamitov stated on December 20 at the meeting of the Government RB re support and development of small and medium business.
“The state of business undertakings is one of the hottest problems in our economics. More than one third of economically active population is engaged in this sphere and about 20% of the gross internal product is formed here and it can be already called a certain progress” – the President RB mentioned.
Bashkiria stands in the Top 10 of Russian regions by some key business showings. Since 2005 more than two billion budget rubles has been spent for support of small and medium business but this aid often fails to reach the majority of our business people. In opinion of the President RB the procedure of the financial aid’s receipt has to be simplified.
“Those, who say our people have no business streak, make a mistake – they have it” – Rustem Khamitov says – “But the support of these enterprising people has to be much more efficient, especially for those, who are busy with real production and innovations. For the last five years the branch structure of business undertakings altered. Business moves towards production and this is the thing we are dreaming of all the time but we have to help these “babies” in their interaction with big business, actively developing outsourcing for example”.
The main problems, which have to be solved, developing small and medium business, are regulation of the problems with privatization of the rented production areas, allocation of financial aid and improvement of the mechanisms of its distribution, liquidation of all administrative obstacles on the way of business. The Trade-Industry Chamber RB also can become quite helpful in development of small and medium business. The trade-industry chambers play an important role in development of business undertakings all over the world. The activity of the public business organization should also become more efficient.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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