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20 December 2010, 10:48

Bashkiria is found among four best Russian regions on preparation for winter season

The housing and communal services department under the Russian Ministry of regional development prepared the assessment of activity of executive power bodies in the Russian regions on preparation for the autumn-winter season 2010-2011.
Republic of Bashkortostan holds the fourth place in this rate. The executive power of Moscow region takes the lead by efficiency of its preparations for the winter season. The integral index of this region’s executive power activity made up 0,82. Omsk region is on the second position. The new government of Moscow holds the third line with the assessment 0,802. Bashkortostan has the same index but the fourth place in the rate.
The assessment of efficiency was calculated coming from availability of the breakdowns and critical situations in the regional systems of housing and communal services since the beginning of the heating season. The supplies of the main and reserved fuel and the material and technical resources for liquidation of breakdowns and critical situations were taken into account too.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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