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3 December 2010, 15:58

Ecological settlements begin to appear in Bashkiria

The congress of public forces under the slogan “Stand up and go! From Degeneration to Revival”, devoted to the Teacher Year in Russia, has taken place in Ufa. The congress is initiated by the public movement “NADEJDA” (“Hope”) and by the regional public organization “Patrimonial Estates RB”.
Activity of these organizations is aimed at harmonious combination of human spiritual world and the nature, careful attitude and reproduction of natural treasures for soul and not for the unrestrained consumption. The participants of this movement (more than four thousand people only in Bashkiria) already established several ecological settlements in the Republic.
The report about ecological situation in Bashkiria, stated in the messages of the Union of Ecologists RB, has become one of the key questions, discussed during the congress.
Author:Svetlana Gafurova
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