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24 November 2010, 16:49

Bashkir light industry has to turn to innovational model of development

The index of industrial production in light industry is positive and the level of production has increased almost two and a half times as compared with 1996. The deputy Minister of industry and innovational policy Igor Korepanov stated about it, opening the conference “The strategy of light industry enterprises’ development in Republic of Bashkortostan”, held in the Culture Palace “NEFTYANIK” today within the frames of the exhibition “ROSTEXTILEXPO-2010”.
“The international financial crisis adversely affected some enterprises of textile branch in the Republic, such as “ISKOJ”, “Nonwoven fabric factory” and “ECOLINE”. They still experience through the crisis after-effects” – the deputy Minister stated.
He has marked the market of overalls is developing in the Republic especially actively and in money terms the production volumes in this market make up 1,2 billion dollars in the country, demonstrating annual rise by 15-20%. But too many brokerage businesses work in this market, offering uncertified overalls at low prices, thus seriously competing with the local state enterprises.
The deputy Minister watches the prospects of the branch in turning to the innovational model of development, in qualitative renovation and modernization of local productions with attraction of investments. Special attention should be paid to protection of the internal market. In his opinion the share of domestic wares in the light industry market should be at least 50%.
Author:Svetlana Gafurova
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