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28 October 2010, 19:27

Bashkiria will receive 14,8 million rubles for villagers’ housing from federal exchequer

New volumes of the subsidies, anticipated in 2010 to Russian regions for realization of the federal goal-oriented program “Social development of villagers till 2012” are approved.
Originally it was planned to allocate 697 million 519 thousand rubles to realization of this program in Bashkortostan, including the means from the federal budget – 299 million 552thousand rubles, from the Bashkir budget – 256 million 590 thousand and from the off-budget means – 141 million 379 thousand rubles. This is at the level of 2009.
The means are meant for improvement of the housing conditions for the villagers, provision of young families and specialists with housing, gasification, construction of the water-supply and medical points in the villagers.
Because the share of young families and specialists, needy the improvement of their housing conditions, is very high, the Ministry of agriculture RB decided to increase financing of the program in 2010.
The federal exchequer has additionally allocated 14 million 800 thousand rubles. It means that other 43 young families may improve their housing conditions, the press-service of the Government RB reports.
Author:news agency "Bashinform"
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