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20 October 2010, 11:24

Today is the World Day of statistics

The Bashkir statisticians are celebrating their professional holiday today, working hard, because one of the main events in life of our country, which they were preparing themselves for during last two years – the all-Russian population census-2010 – is held these days.
The holiday is held under the slogan “Marking the numerous achievements of the official statistics!” and every year about 100 countries hold either the day or the month of statistics for the numerous users might evaluate the importance of official statistics properly. The national day of statistics is used by the countries for publication of various statistical products as well as for getting the support of local population and the authority with the purpose to make the most wide-scaled statistical projects a reality.
The official statistics is becoming more and more important for the society and the leadership in many countries and the statistical products of high quality are available at the national, regional and global levels today. This data is used when making various political and economical solutions and the statistical services have become important political institutions in many countries.
The population censuses are considered the most important and wide-scaled statistical events all over the world. The all-Russian population census-2010 is running in normal mode and the first results will be announced in April 2011. The publication of the final results will be completed till the end of 2013. For the first time in history the statistical department intends to make the database on its official site, open for all. The totals of the census will become a serious analytical and information base for development of the national projects and preparation of the demographic programs.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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