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20 October 2010, 13:28

The index of industrial production in Ufa reached 110,5%

The index of industrial production in Ufa reached 110,5% after three quarters of the year, the head of Ufa administration’s industry department Alexander Zarubin reported on Tuesday.
“For nine months of 2010 big and medium enterprises of the city have shipped their goods off for the sum of almost 296 billion rubles” – he reported – “In current prices this is by 30% more than for the same period of time in 2009”.
The highest index of industrial production is observed in the publishing and polygraph branch. All three biggest polygraph enterprises of the city - “Ufa’s POLYGRAPHCOMBINAT” and the publishing houses “Bashkortostan” and “White River” - have demonstrated stable growth. The chemical industry also demonstrates good progress and certain upsurge is observed in oil-chemical industry, in production of glass packaging, in textile industry and in machine-building.
Practically all food enterprises of Ufa also demonstrate stable growth in production, though the lowest index of industrial production was observed here for rather long period of time. In September the index has for the first time exceeded 100%.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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