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19 October 2010, 20:31

The centralized system of governmental contractual works should start working in Bashkiria in 2011

The meeting re development of the centralized system of governmental contractual works in the regions has taken place in Ufa on October 19, headed by the deputy Prime-Minister of the Government RB, the head of the Government’s machinery RB Ilshat Tajitdinov, who patronizes this direction.
Per se it was the presentation of the state committee RB on placement of the governmental contracts, established in August 4, 2010.
As Ilshat Tajitdinov said, the activity of the committee should contribute to the main thing – the increase of the efficiency in spending of the state funds and it is connected with several positive moments: the maximal development of competition, the achievement of openness and transparency when holding the auctions, the removal of the corruption constituent in process of signing the state contracts and reaching the maximal confidence between the customers and purveyors of goods and services. 40 people will work in the committee, including the specialists, having studied the 94th federal law about state contracts in details.
There are about 860 state customers in the Republic but all of them differ both by the departmental belonging as well as by other characteristics and in order to unite all budget-receivers the special automated system is necessary. The time for introduction of the e-auctions is restricted: the centralized system of the governmental contractual works should start working already beginning from January 1, 2011, first in the sphere of foods and medicines purchases, in the sphere of major repairs and servicing, further within the frames of the Republican investment programs and later in all other spheres. Beginning from 2011 the whole information about state purchases has to be placed on the official site.
The chairman of the committee Sergey Novikov has reported nearly a half of the Russian regions already have such committees and the pilot regions for introduction of such system are already determined. The workgroups, formed by the Russian Ministry of economic development and trade, will render necessary assistance to them and Bashkortostan also has a chance to join the pilot project.
“The e-auctions are already held since July 1, 2010, but they still can’t be called popular, but from January1, 2011, all regional and municipal customers will have to place the main volumes of the state contracts on the e-auctions and for that five e-sites are chosen in Bashkortostan” – the deputy head of the committee Aidar Batyrgareev reported. He has also reminded about the importance of the electronic digital signature. According to information of the Ministry of communications and mass communications RB about eight thousand subjects have already registered such signatures in the Republic. In opinion of another deputy chairman of the committee Valerie Iskhakov none of the schemes, used in other regions, can be called perfect, so Bashkortostan will use its own system of the governmental contractual works. This system can be improved in the future, if it is necessary.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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