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24 August 2010, 12:21

Profits of Utchalinsky ore mining and processing plant increased by 7,7%

In the first half of 2010 the JSC “Utchalisnky ore mining and processing plant” increased its net profit by 7,7%, as compared with the same period of time in 2009. The amount of the net profit is 1, 445 billion rubles.
At that the plant reports that the sales returns increased by 38,7% and exceeded 8 billion rubles.
In the nearest future the plant intends to start copper ore mining at Sultanovskoe ore deposit in Chelyabinsk region. At present time the plant’s specialist are busy with investigating the deposit in order to calculate the volumes of the future works.
The JSC “Utchalinsky ore mining and processing plant” specializes in mining and processing of the copper pyrite ores with the recovery of the copper, zinc and pyrite concentrates. Utchalisnkoe, Molodeznoe and Uzelginskoe ore deposits are considered the main mineral and resource base of the plant and he plant itself is found in the staff of the Ural mining-metallurgical company.
Author:Rasul Hamidullin
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