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23 August 2010, 18:09

“Business Russia” joins solution of business people’s problems

The all-Russian public organization “Business Russia” intends to join the solution of the problems, the business people face in Russia. In accordance with the decree of the head of the Russian Government Vladimir Putin “Business Russia” will be involved in the work on the improvement of the investment climate in the country, removal of the bureaucratic obstacles, operative and efficient consideration of the appeals of Russian and foreign investors.
“We opened the special channel for receiving the appeals of Russian and foreign citizens with the complaints on the actions of the officials in the regions and the federal executive power bodies concerning those complications the business people often face” – this is way the first Vice-Premier of the Russian Government Igor Shuvalov explained the essence of the future activity, which main constituent is the interactive communication between the authority and Russian and foreign business circles.
“The goal of the decree is to improve the investment climate in Russia” – the officials in the machinery of Igor Shuvalov explained – “Now several laws are elaborated and some of them are already passed but it is not enough and there is the urgent necessity to react upon the complaints of business people. At that the functions of the first Vice-Premier as the coordinator of this activity don’t mean the substitution of the obligations of other branches of power. The struggle with the manifestations of bureaucratic circumlocution, corruption and low professionalism has to be the aim of the first line of the executive power bodies, responsible for the economic development”.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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