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20 August 2010, 16:34

Uri Pustovgarov introduced his idea of a new technological base in industry

The main aims of the Government in the sphere of industry are stimulation of innovational development, determination of the objects, promising for investors, and creation of a favorable investment climate. This is the opinion of the deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB Uri Pustovgarov. He introduced his idea of a new technological base of industry at the staff forum “The regional aspects of modernization: new people, new solutions”, organized by the political party “United Russia”. The forum has taken place in Ufa today.
At present stage, as the Vice-Premier believes, it is important to estimate the real state of the regional economics, its staff potential and to reveal the systematic problems. The second aim is to determine the precise priorities in the economics. In particular, it is necessary to move the well-developed regional industrial competences to the level of leading ones in the country. It is also important to form the infrastructure of commercialization of the innovational designs. At that the whole population of the Republic should be involved in solution of the modernization aims.
The program for development of the Republican economics has been approved in 2009 and its key guideline is to make the share of innovational output at least 30% (for today it makes up just 6%).
Uri Pustovgarov characterized the industrial potential of the region with the help of several figures. Thus, for the first six months the volume of the shipped-off production made up 536 billion rubles, including 70% falling on local industry. The fuel-energy complex forms a half of the industrial share and only 7% of people, engaged in economics, work at the enterprises of the complex. The other branches of economics make 16% of shipping and 15% of people, working in economics.
“We face the misbalance of the branches and low development of the sectors, oriented to the internal demand” – Uri Pustovgarov said – “We evidently face the shortage of the business with high VAT – the business, working on our own resources. For example, we extract the natural resources but the processing of these resources runs already beyond the Republic”.
Certain misbalance is observed in machine-building too. From one side the regions possesses high-tech machine-building and from another side – the absolutely obsolete productions.
“We will always have low labor productivity with the obsolete production assets as well as low competitive ability. Machine-building won’t become the locomotive of the innovational process” – Uri Pustovgarov stated.
The available infrastructure also hampers the development of small and medium business.
“We have to move from the goal-oriented backstopping of small enterprises to establishment of the local infrastructure. Every million rubles, invested to the infrastructure, give us the possibility to open at least ten small business enterprises. At the same time the same million rubles, given in cash, allows us to rouse only two businessmen”.
The cluster approach can become of paramount importance for the Republican industry and the plant “POLYEF” might become a good example of cluster development. Today the plant manufactures two highly demanded polyether products. But the end product with high VAT on its base is again manufactured not in Bashkortostan, though it is quite possible to organize this production here, in the Republic.
Uri Pustovgarov called the establishment of the high-tech park one more potential factor of modernization. There are plenty of interesting technologies and designs in Bashkortostan and uniting this potential one may figure on a serious synergetic effect.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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