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19 August 2010, 16:07

The problem of swindled interest-holders in Bashkiria has to be solved in 2012

The last problematic tenement in Bashkortostan has to be finished in 2012. The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov set this task before the members of the Government at today’ meeting, dedicated to this problem. Representatives of different ministries and divisions and of the building companies participated in it. The head of the Republic said the solution of the problem couldn’t be delayed any more. The problems with dwelling in Bashkortostan are considered one of the most urgent and paramount for today.
“The financial crisis and unfair developers increased the number of the problematic tenements in the Republic” – the President RB said – “These developers attracted the money of our citizens but these means were misallocated. The interdepartmental commission, responsible for the control over the course of construction works was established, Bu this commission works inefficiently since people still haven’t received either their money or the housing and they face no prospects in completion of the construction works. The state mustn’t save the developers, who aren’t able to calculate the means and the due dates, all the time. They have to be forced to fulfill their obligations”.
According to the deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB Sergey Afonin there are 25 problematic tenements in the Republic for today and the number of the done interest-holders is more than two thousand people and the main problem of the long lasting building activities is the lack of the developers’ funds.
It was decided at the meeting that ten tenements would be put into exploitation in 2011 and in the majority of other towns and regions RB the questions on such activities would be solved also in the first half of 2011.
Author:Rasul Hamidullin
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