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16 August 2010, 15:12

The forum in Ufa raises problems of regulation in the building branch

The legislative alterations in the sphere of building activity will be considered by the participants of the building market at the conference in Ufa. The forum will be held on August 26 in the Congress-Hall.
Along with heads and specialists of the building and designing organizations the representatives of Russian Ministry of regional development, the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Supervision, the National Builders Association and Republican ministries and divisions will take part in it.
The General Director of the non-commercial partnership “The Group of Building Companies” – the organizer of the conference – Boris Bondarenko says that today both the builders and designers face plenty of problems, including the normative regulation in the branch, so a wide circle of questions is included in the agenda. The matter will be some technical regulations, the realization of the federal law “The safety of building and constructions”, the usage of the existing standards etc.
“Unfortunately the branch faces too many open problems” – Boris Bondarenko says – “The branch is rapidly developing and new materials and technologies appear. The old system of technical requirements is destroyed and a new one isn’t yet formed. Some working standards in the branch were established still in the middle of the last century. Since the exact rules are absent, the corresponding control is absent too and it is resulted in low quality of our building works. The main aim of the forum is to collect the professionals of the market and to make some questions absolutely clear for all of us. There are seven self-regulating building organizations in Bashkortostan for today: five of them unite the builders and two- the designers. In total complexity these organizations unite about 1500 building enterprises”.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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