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13 August 2010, 11:33

No problems with water supply are observed in Bashkortostan

The deputy Minister of natural resource and ecology of Russia Simeon Levi and the deputy Director of the Department of state politics and regulation in sphere of water resources and security of the hydraulic facilities RF Sergey Koskin arrived in Bashkortostan with a work visit. The goal of the arrival is to become acquainted with the real situation with fire extinguishing on the specially protected natural territories and to make certain of the adequacy of the measures on water supply, undertaken in the Republic in the period of shortage of water.
Within the frames of the visit the guests flew around the main specially protected natural territories in the Republic: “The South Ural state natural reserve”, “The state natural reserve SHULGAN-TASH”, “The Bashkir state natural reserve” and “The national park “Bashkiria”. The meetings with participation of the chiefs of the profiled ministries and divisions RB, the heads of local municipalities and representatives of the big enterprises – water users – were held too.
The activity of Bashkortostan in this direction was called satisfactory. Now it is important to provide further control over the situation and preserve the achieved results.
Author:Rasul Hamidullin
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