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9 August 2010, 12:41

Floating hydraulic works are indispensable during the drought

The Minister of natural resources and ecology of Russian Federation Uri Trutnev reported to the Prime-Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin that in connection with the extreme climatic conditions and harsh increase of water consumption for watering and fire extinguishing the situation, registered at the Russian water objects was rather intense.
As the Kremlin news-service reports the questions of supplying population and Russian enterprises with water during the drought were raised at the meeting. The capacities of available reservoirs were estimated too.
Uri Trutnev told the water reserves in the Russian reservoirs made up 80% of the net capacity. On the same date in 2009 this figure reached 81%. The unevenness of the reservoirs’ infill is to the fore and the situation with the water reserves at Kuibyshev’s storage pool is especially alarming.
In opinion of Uri Trutnev no problems with water supply would occur if the extreme heat fails to last more than one month and a half. But the weather is quite able to give a surprise so the housing and communal service system should be ready to such situation.
“We have to start producing the floating hydraulic works like in Bashkiria. These works can either function from any level or deepen the ordinary hydraulic works” – the Minister said.
The floating hydraulic works are used in Bashkortostan rather actively.
“The floating hydraulic works in Ufa is able to take water from any sector of the river and such works is functioning at the heat electric station-2 in the micro-district Sipailovo” – the deputy head of the Kama water division in Bashkortostan Vladimir Goryatchev says – “One more such powerful unit works in the Northern hydraulic works of the capital RB. This equipment is able to supply the city with one-millionth population with water even under the present shallowing of our rivers”.
At present time the floating pump stations are used at the oil-processing productions of Bashkortostan. The manufacturing of such units is rather cheap because old barges and Russian-made subsurface pumps are used for that.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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