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5 August 2010, 16:37

Realization of the Republican programs in 2011 will cost the budget RB 588 million rubles

Within the frames of the forecast of the social-economic development of Bashkortostan in 2011 and for the period till 2013 and basing on the resources of the Republican budget the list of active and would-be Republican long-term and medium-term goal-oriented programs is formed.
The active Minister of economic development RB Eugene Evtushenko introduced the would-be volumes of financing for these programs at today’s meeting of the interdepartmental governmental commissions on budget projects and perfection of the tax legislation in Republic of Bashkortostan.
It is planned to appropriate 588 million rubles for realization of the Republican goal-oriented programs in 2011. In 2012 the financing has to be at the level of 585 million and in 2013 – 569 million rubles.
The list of the programs, which have to be funded in 2011, includes 38 programs, 23 programs – in 2012 and 12 programs – in 2013. Thus, it is planned to allocate 99 million rubles in 2011 for realization of 6 Republican programs in social sphere, more than 69 million rubles – for 11 health protection programs and 71 million rubles – for 13 programs in sphere of education and culture. 4,5 million rubles will be allocated for realization of two programs in sphere of agriculture. Almost 45 million rubles are necessary for two programs, concerned with the struggle with criminality and drug addiction. Ecology and prevention of emergency situations will require 119 million rubles.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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