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20 July 2010, 10:53

Bashkir business people are invited to the Chinese fair

The VII Chinese international small and medium business fair will be held in the Chinese city of Guangzhou on September 15-18, 2010.
The fair is held annually under the aegis of the Chinese State Plan Dept, the Ministries of commerce and finances, the State Industrial-Trade Administrative Office, the Chinese State Dept for Technical and Quarantine Control over the quality of goods and the Chinese State Committee for control over the bank activity. The National Government of the Guangdong province is the organizer of the fair and Australia comes out as the foreign co-organizer in 2010. The main goal of the fair is the presentation of small and medium business in China and assistance to development of international cooperation in the spheres, being of high interest for many countries of the world (electronics, consumer electrotechnology, machine building, petroleum chemistry, textile and knitted fabric, foods and drinks, building materials, paper industry, motor-car industry, medicine and pharmaceutics).
All foreign business delegations are welcomed to the Guangzhou international exhibition center.
More detailed information about the fair is available to the address of the Moscow Trade-Industry Chamber: [email protected].
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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