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25 June 2010, 16:39

National Bank RB has published an instruction booklet how to use banking products

The instruction booklet for the population how to use banking products was published by the National Bank of Bashkortostan Republic. The variety of topical issues concerning usage of banking products is stated there in a simple, comprehensible way.
This instruction booklet was discussed today at the next meeting of representatives of the National Bank with journalists in the "Bashinform" agency. The informative seminar for journalists and the edition of the instruction booklet for citizens is a part of the great work within the framework of the republican program on increasing financial competence of the population.
According to Shamil Aminov, the head of administration of affairs of the National Bank RB, in the long term four similar instruction booklets will be published: concerning the Internet-banking, understanding of banking advertising, reading of the balance of credit organisations and instruction booklet to pledgers under the credit.
The task of financial ignorance elimination consists in teaching people to operate competently their own financial resources. It is made both with the advantage for citizens, and for the purpose of formation in the region of the civilised market of financial services. A competent client of the credit organisation is, first of all, the person who understands what he does and bears responsibility for the decisions made.
The National Bank recommended to commercial banks to place instruction booklets in their service points. Instruction booklets were submitted also to the bodies on consumers’ rights protection, to mass media. In the long term, it is planned to publish brochures in good polygraphic execution.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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