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23 June 2010, 17:34

The innovative robotised manufacture of component parts for car industry is under construction in Ufa

The innovative robotised manufacture of component parts for motor industry is under construction in Ufa. It is the project of joint Bashkir-German enterprise «Vittsenmann Russia». Rail Sarbaev, the Prime minister of the Government of Bashkortostan accompanied by Rinat Zajnullin, the chairman of the State Committee on Business and Trade RB familiarised with work and prospects of the company today.
«Vittsenmann Russia» is one of the enterprises of "Vittsenmann" group presented in many countries of the world. For today, it is only an office building and one shop, and in the future, it will be the whole complex of industrial premises using the best European traditions. About 250 million roubles were spent for the first stage of object – construction and the shop equipment. The established equipment is entirely German.
Now «Vittsenmann Russia» LLC buys components for parts all over Europe, but the issue on release of components here, at the same industrial platform is already under discussion.
Businessmen were rendered essential support from the republican Government during last, crisis year. The company joined the regional program of support of small-scale business and received budgetary financing.
Now the situation has changed profoundly. The federal program of car industry support played its role too. This year the company does not think about how to survive but how to develop. Overall production gradually comes back to the level of 2008. The first consignments of goods for assembly manufactures of Volkswagen, FIAT and Hyundai are shipped. Negotiations with GM and Toyota are carried on.
This enterprise visually shows efficiency of the republican program of the small-scale business support as a whole. The program has worked well and the main thing it was very timely. According to Rail Sarbaev, the Prime minister of Government RB, the state support is extremely important for such companies – innovative, competitive, developing import substitution.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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