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22 June 2010, 19:18

Housing conditions of 110 thousand people were improved during capital repairs of houses in Ufa

The course of major repairs of multiroom apartment houses in Ufa conducted at support of the Fund of Assistance to Housing and Communal Services Reforming, became the main topic of the action meeting passed today at Paul Kachkaev, the head of the city administration.
As Boris Gerasimov, the general director of MUP «UZHH of Ufa» informed, during 2008 and 2009 Ufa received in total in the form of grants fr om the Fund of Assistance to Housing and Communal Services Reforming about two billion roubles.
— At the expense of all financing sources it was directed for major repairs of apartment houses more than 2,5 billion roubles, — Boris Gerasimov said. — besides, from the city budget it was allocated more than 200 million roubles for replacement of internal systems of water supply, 150 million for asphalting of yards and 30 million for restoration of yards illumination.
In addition to this, according to Boris Gerasimov, apart from the means allocated within the lim its of capital repairs under the federal program, at the expense of the integrated fund for major repairs in Ufa consisting of means of the city budget and proprietors of habitation, about billion roubles were directed for additional major repairs of houses. Thus, the financing total amount in 2008-2009 of major repairs of multiroom apartment houses in Ufa from all sources has made about four billion roubles. In the city 377 houses with the total area of about 1,5 million square metres were repaired. As a result, more than 110 thousand people have improved their housing conditions.
Author:Eugeniy Rahimkulov
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