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22 June 2010, 18:59

A seminar concerning copyright protection will take place in Ufa

On June 23 in Ufa, the seminar «Topical issues of copyright objects protection» will take place in the conference hall of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Innovative Policy RB.
Organizers of the seminar are Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Bashkortostan Republic and Bashkortostan branch of the All-Russian public organisation «Russian Copyright Society» (RAO).
Representatives of the Office of Public Prosecutor RB, Office of Public Prosecutor of Ufa, the Ministry of Internal Affairs on RB, Administration of the Federal Antimonopoly Service on RB are invited to participate in the seminar’s work.
The seminar’s main objective is to bring to notice of the businessmen carrying out the activity in the spheres of leisure and public catering, basic notions and real practice of the copyright realisation in the Russian Federation. In particular, it concerns the rights and duties of the organisations on public reproduction of pieces of music by domestic and foreign authors.
In 2009 in Ufa judicial bodies inflicted penal sanctions on a number of enterprises, which were not observing the copyright and allied rights. The sums of penalties made from 30 to 450 thousand roubles.
As organizers informed, the history of creation of the Russian Copyright Society, its goals, tasks and functions, procedure of protection of copyright interests, work of Bashkortostan branch of the RAO, judiciary practice, etc will be discussed at the seminar.
Author:Luboth Kolokolova
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