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4 June 2010, 12:43

When estimating activity of Russian regions the transference of public services into e-format will be taken into account

The method of calculation of the Russian regions’ ratings by the level of informatization will be worked up till the end of the year by the Higher School of Economics jointly with the Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications. The rise of Russia’s place in the international indices by introduction of IT will become one of the tasks of this work. The decision concerning that has been reached at the meeting of Council for regional informatization, held in Moscow on June 1, 2010.
As the news service of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications RF reports, the participants of the meeting discussed the problems of the public services' converting into the electronic form. The deputy Chairman of the Government RF Sergey Sobyanin has emphasized the priority of e-services introduction for the Russian authority. According to him this project gives a chance to cut back the enormous expenses in such spheres as health protection, education and housing-communal services.
“The index of informatization is of paramount importance and the activity of the governors of Russian regions will be estimated by it” – Sergey Sobyanin added. The Vice-Premier ordered all Russian regions to introduce the detailed plans for transference of the public services into the e-format during one month. He also urged the regions to be more active in making the system of the interdepartmental electronic interaction. According to him 10 ministries already joined this system and till the end of this year all ministries of the country should join it.
It should be noted that Republic of Bashkortostan does much for introduction of e-services. Thus, the project “Electronic Government RB” was not long ago introduced in Moscow at the international exhibition “Communication-EXPOCOMM-2010”. The portal of state purchases, the regional certification center, the system of interdepartmental information interaction, the multifunctional center, information booths and the electronic card are already working here and the electronic digital signature is found in the process of launching now.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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