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3 June 2010, 13:07

On June 4 the passengers of the train “Memory” will go the railway station Ulu-Telyak

The train “Memory” will leave the Ufa depot for the railway station Ulu-Telyak on June 4 at 5:30 (Moscow time). This train is traditionally organized in the memory about the unprecedented tragedy with numerous victims, which had occurred near Ulu-Telyak in the nighttime on June 3-4, 1989, because of the gas explosion. The relatives and friends of the victims as well as the rescuers and liquidators of that catastrophe will become the passengers of the train.
On June 4, 1989, the gas-main “The Western Siberia-Ural-Volga zone” exploded and this explosion was equivalent to the explosion of 300 tons of trotyl. The fire, started as the result of the explosion, covered the territory about 250 hectares. The catastrophe has occurred at the very moment, when two passenger trains, going from Novosibirsk to Adler and from Adler to Novosibirsk, were crossing the bridge, under which the gas-main was laid. Earlier, running strictly according to the time schedule these trains never met at this point but the delay of one train and emergency stop of another train at the intermediate station for debarkation of a parturient woman have brought two trains to the explosion point at one and the same time.
The fire seized 37 carriages and two electric locomotives: seven carriages have burnt down completely and 26 carriages have completely burnt out from inside. 258 people had been killed on the spot and 317 died later at the hospitals. 575 people have deceased in a whole and 623 were traumatized. Since then the train “Memory” goes to the station Ulu-Telyak every year.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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