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25 May 2010, 15:31

The XVIII international specialized exhibition “Gas, Oil, Technologies-2010” is opened in Ufa

The XVIII international specialized exhibition “Gas, Oil, Technologies-2010” is opened at the Ufa Sport Palace. This is one of the largest Russian forums, gathering the leaders of oil, gas and power-engineering industry on one site. In 2010 about 300 enterprises opened their expositions here.
This exhibition has long ago become an inseparable part of the Republican business life and the official opening ceremony with the participation of the Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev, the President of the Oil and Gas Producers RF Gennady Schmal and the deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB, Minister of industry, investment and innovational policy RB Uri Pustovgarov emphasized its importance and large scale.
Opening the exhibition Uri Pustovgarov said: “The unprecedented number of the participants proves that Bashkortostan is considered not just a supporting Russian region but the region, possessing its own key competence: oil processing and oil chemistry visually demonstrate their significance here. The Republic is the leader in deep oil processing and in the output of light oil products. Besides, we prepare highly qualified specialists for this branch”.
Russia is represented in Ufa by 34 regions and republics, including such Russian producers as “TRANSNEFT”, KROPOTKINSKY machine-building plant, Ural-Siberian Oil Trunks and others. There are many foreigners too: mainly the companies from Germany, Switzerland and the USA, offering the progressive technologies of oil-gas branch to their potential partners.
73 enterprises represent Bashkortostan: such industrial giants as “BASHNEFT”, “Caustic”, “Soda”, JSC “POLYEF”, the Ufa instrument-making production association and many others.
The exhibition is open till May 28 inclusive.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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