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18 May 2010, 21:02

Preparation for the all-Russian population census in Bashkortostan runs according to the schedule

The meeting of the commission for organization of the all-Russian population census-2010 in Volga federal district, headed by the deputy Plenipotentiary of the President RF in Volga federal district, the head of the district census commission Leonid Gilchenko, has taken place today.
Leonid Gilchenko called the observation of the constitutional rights of the citizens concerning their national self-identification, close interaction with the representatives of the main religions concerning formation of a positive attitude of the believers to the forthcoming census and agitation work on explanation of the importance of this all-Russian action the main questions, which should be in the focus of attention of the commission today.
The deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB, Minister of culture and national politics RB Ildus Ilishev – the deputy chairman of the commission for preparation and holding the all-Russian population census-2010 under the Government RB – told about preparations for the census in our Republic.
According to M-r Ilishev all preparations for the census are running in Bashkortostan according to the schedule – the lists of the copyists are formed, the preliminary lists of the people, wishing to take part in the census are specified and these people are interviewed now. The explanatory work with the population is actively running too.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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